Long Lake City Council 050719

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Long Lake City Council 050719


1. Call to Order 00:00:15

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:25

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Mayor’s Comments 00:00:49

3. Mayor’s Comments - Long Lake News, Meeting Review and Updates

4. Approve Agenda 00:01:52

4. Approve Agenda

5. Consent Agenda: 00:02:15

5. Consent Agenda:

6. Open Correspondence 00:09:12

6. Open Correspondence

7. Police Activity Update Wayzata Police Chief 00:10:39

7. Police Activity Update from Wayzata Police Chief Mike Risvold

8. Consider Removal of Downtown Village Boundary 00:40:40

8. A. Consider Removal of Downtown Village Boundary Area Line from 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map B. Planning Case #2019-06 / Ordinance Amending Section 5: Planned Unit Development (PUD) District of the City of Long Lake Zoning Ordinance

9. Consider Proposal from WSB 01:33:38

9. Consider Proposal from WSB for Construction Administration and Field Inspection of Wayzata Boulevard W Phase 1 Landscaping Project (Alex Miller, City Engineer / WSB)

10. Wayzata Boulevard W Construction Update 01:42:29

10. Wayzata Boulevard W Construction and Landscaping Project Updates

11. Other Business 01:54:26

11. Other Business

12. Adjourn 02:00:24

12. Adjourn

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